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Twins & Multiple Birth Classes

Giving you the insight into what it means to have twins or multiples births for pregnancy, labour & beyond, taught by a paediatrician & midwife. Video lessons & resources
What Is Covered In The Course
You will be given access to 11 lessons including a mixture of videos and practical resources led by Midwife Marley & Dr Carly. Learn at your own pace, rewatch, revise, revisit whenever you need to.”

Identical, non-identical (fraternal), placenta and membrane sharing

Twin specialist doctors, midwives, appointment schedules, ultrasounds, extra monitoring

Maternity care following twins after iVf

Things you may need to prepare for twin babies.

Expectations, hints and tips for coping with twins.

Birth options for multiples, what to expect, health professionals involved.

NICU, caring for twin newborns and challenges.

Settling in, getting support & practical tips.

Child development of twins over the first year.

Course Overview

Our expert led twins class is just what you need to answer all of your questions and prepare you for your new journey. You’ll learn how to prepare practically and emotionally for your multiple birth, as well as understanding what to expect in terms of your recovery and your babies’ development. Using the information you learn within this course, you’ll finish feeling informed and ready to have your babies.

Course Leaders

Taught by Dr Carly, Professor of Paediatrics & author, with over 30 years of experience in the NHS, along with midwife Marley Hall, an experienced midwife who is also the mother of a set of twins.

What you will learn

Jam packed full of information & useful tips from first hand experience, you’ll learn about: The different types of twins and multiple births, special antenatal care available, both practical and emotional preparation, advice and tips for you and your partner for the birthing process, starting your journey as parents of twins & the role of the neonatal unit. We will then look at the first few days, weeks and years of your babies’ lives.

Be Informed

Our expert led twins class is just what you need to answer some of your questions and prepare you for your new journey. Having two babies is very different to having a singleton but it can still be a joyous journey, particularly if you are informed along the way.

Taught by qualified NHS Professionals

Our experts have extensive experience working in the NHS and private sector to provide you with the best bespoke one-to-one care and support.

Dr Carly Fertleman
Professor of Paediatrics / Class Tutor
Marley Hall BA RM Diphe
Associate Midwife

Loved By Our Customers

Wonderfully informative and well presented. You clearly love your job and have such a passion for it. Thank you.
A very informative and helpful course. The midwife was friendly and engaging. I’d definitely recommend it to other expectant mums!
It was a really good class. Very informative and good to hear. You cover multiple points and explained the pain relief clearly.