Meet The Team

Midwife / Course Leader
Amina is a qualified midwife who lives in Hertfordshire with her husband and 4 children. Since qualifying, Amina has worked in hospital, community and home-birth settings in the NHS, private and charity sector as a midwife. Read More…

Associate Midwife
Marley is a qualified midwife who lives in Surrey with her husband and 5 children, including a set of twins. She has practised midwifery in various settings over the past 10 years covering both the NHS and private sectors. Read More…

Professor of Paediatrics / Class Tutor
Dr Caroline Fertleman (Dr Carly) MD, FRCPCH, MSc, MB BChir, BA (Hons) Cantab, SFHEA, FAcadMEd is a consultant paediatrician based in London, UK with over 20 years’ experience. She is also the Professor of Paediatrics at Read More…

Registered Midwife/ Class Tutor
Hayley is a qualified midwife who lives in Hertfordshire with her husband and two grown up children. Hayley qualified as a midwife in 2009 and has mainly worked as a community midwife . Her role includes providing antenatal and postnatal care Read More…

Registered Midwife / Class Tutor
Despina is a qualified midwife who lives in Liverpool with her husband, young baby and little dog. She qualified as a midwife in London and has worked in all areas of midwifery care.
She has just returned to her role as Midwifery Lead Read More…

Michelle qualified as a doctor from the University of Manchester in 2011 and is currently completing her specialty training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in North London. She has rotated through various busy NHS hospitals Read More…

Customer Service Advisor
Verity is a firm part of the NowBaby team and has the role of customer service manager for NowBaby Live, as well as taking on the role of hospital liaison, where she helps to create important messaging within antenatal clinics. Read More…

Health Visitor, Nurse and Baby Massage Practitioner
Bianca is a qualified adult nurse and registered health visitor. She has worked as a health visitor for over 7 years , working across inner London boroughs, one of which she grew up in. Bianca also has a degree in psychology and uses this expertise Read More…

Lactation Consultant IBCLC
Miriam Feen is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and has been supporting families for 15 years with all aspects of infant feeding from the antenatal period to wherever they choose to end their feeding journey. Read More…

Annum is a Midwife with over ten years of experience, living in Sheffield with her son and husband.
Annum has worked in all areas of maternity and is currently working in the community. She manages an extremely big caseload within the large Read More…