Pregnancy Week by Week
Week 25 is often when your routine antenatal regular appointments start. You may have had a few appointments already if you have needed to see your consultant or additional checks and care, but your regular antenatal appointments are important in checking on all aspects of you – your physical and emotional well-being.
Your midwife will check your blood pressure, your urine and monitor your baby’s growth by measuring your baby bump and listening into baby’s heart rate.
But they will also check to see how you are feeling, your mental well-being and what support you have. It’s a good time to share any concerns you have or if you feel you need any additional help – the sooner you get help, the better for you and your baby.
How big is my baby?
At 25 weeks pregnant your baby is the size of a small cantaloupe melon weighing close to 670 grams and measuring around 35 centimetres top to toe in length.
What happens in week 25 of pregnancy?
At week 25 all of your baby’s vital organs – the brain, lungs and digestive system – are in place, all they need to do now is mature, ready for birth in a few months time.
Your 25 week antenatal appointment will most likely also be the first time you hear your baby’s heart beating (outside if your scans).
Your baby’s heart rate will sound very fast and that’s because it is – somewhere between 120-160 beats per minute. Compared to your own heart rate, which is often around 65-85 beats a minute this is quite fast – but this is not an issue. It’s because your baby’s heart is much smaller than yours, which means it needs to work harder and beat faster to ensure good blood flow.
What’s even more amazing is that inside your body you have 2 hearts beating – at different rates, but truly magical.
Week 25 pregnancy symptoms
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Have you noticed any changes in how your wrists or fingers feel in pregnancy? Maybe some tingling or stiffness? It could be a case of carpal tunnel syndrome – which is often associated with action requiring repeated movements like typing.
Carpal tunnel can affect some pregnant women and is a symptom that many don’t know of but are affected by. It’s caused by the swelling that’s common in pregnancy, leading to the extra fluid putting pressure on the nerve that runs through your wrist, causing numbness, tingling or pain in your fingers, hands or wrist.
If you are getting these symptoms, have a chat with your midwife. They can advise on things you can do to help – such as using a pillow to prop your arms up when sleeping or even just regularly shaking your hands and wrists loosely to help. If it’s really affecting your day-to-day life, then a wrist brace might help – which your GP or local chemist can advise on too.
The good news is that once baby has arrived and your pregnancy / birth related swelling has gone down so will the carpal tunnel symptoms.
Week 25 pregnancy tips
- How are your feet bearing up? It’s not uncommon for your shoe size to change in pregnancy – this is all due to extra fluid that can cause a little bit of swelling. Easy to slip on shoes that are low heeled may be more comfortable at this stage with your bump growing.
- Get a Massage – all that stretching and growing can take its toll. If you can, get a massage booked in to help alleviate all those aches and pains. Make sure your masseuse is experienced and qualified in pregnancy massage.
- Aromatherapy oils are great for massage but also to help you sleep and relax. In later pregnancy, they are great for preparing for labour and birth – which we discuss in detail during our signature antenatal course, as well as lots of other tips on mind body preparation for birth.
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