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Week 31 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
At 31 weeks pregnant you are now into the 7th month of being pregnant – 7 months of changes and adaptations, watching your body change and your baby grow and develop! At this stage in your pregnancy, it’s an ideal time to start planning ahead – for the labour and birth and life with a … Continued
March 1, 2022
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Week 30 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
You only have 10 weeks to go now until your official estimated due date – and the next few weeks will probably pass quickly as you undergo lots of changes physically as well as to your lifestyle such as getting ready for the big day ahead – whenever that may be! It’s important to remember … Continued
March 1, 2022
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Week 29 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
Week 29 is the earliest you can start maternity leave in the UK, though in reality for many, they’ll be waiting a fair few weeks before taking their maternity leave. It’s an individual decision – and of course depends on the kind of work you do, if you have support at home, and practical things … Continued
March 1, 2022
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Week 28 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
And just like that, you are now in the third trimester of your pregnancy – a mere 3 months away from your due date and maybe even less (or a week or two more!) in meeting your baby. This week you will have a routine 28-week appointment with your midwife to check your blood pressure, … Continued
February 14, 2022
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Week 27 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
You may be relieved or surprised to know that at 27 weeks you are now in the last week of your second trimester! It’s a good time to reflect back on all the amazing changes that have happened with you and your baby in the last few months and how far you have both come. … Continued
February 14, 2022
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Week 26 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
You are now 6 months into your pregnancy and only 3 left to go! As your pregnancy progresses and your antenatal care becomes more frequent you’ll be wondering what the point of the checks are and why they are carried out. All of the routine checks carried out by your midwife are to ensure you … Continued
February 7, 2022
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Week 25 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
Week 25 is often when your routine antenatal regular appointments start. You may have had a few appointments already if you have needed to see your consultant or additional checks and care, but your regular antenatal appointments are important in checking on all aspects of you – your physical and emotional well-being. Your midwife will … Continued
February 7, 2022
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Week 24 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
Your baby must be really starting to expand now and with it should also come some real kicks and nudges from inside. Gone are the days when you’re not  sure if it’s a fluttering movement or a bit of wind – there is no mistaking your baby is somersaulting inside you now! Week 24 also … Continued
February 7, 2022
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Week 23 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
At 23 weeks into your pregnancy get ready for things to really start changing, beginning with what will feel like a growth spurt.  From the end of this week onwards, your baby’s growth will really take off – with baby doubling in size over the next few weeks – so be prepared for your bump … Continued
February 7, 2022
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Week 22 of Pregnancy

By Amina Hatia RM
By around week 22 of pregnancy, you should be feeling some kind of activity or movement from your baby. Whilst some feel their baby move from around 16 weeks, for most – especially if it is your first baby it usually happens after 18-20 weeks. If you have never felt your baby move by the … Continued
February 7, 2022
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